
OpinionAmerica is proud to have a loyal client base, which includes organizations, from a variety of industries and specialties, that require quality research.

OpinionAmerica’s main source of revenue is derived from opinion surveys from a variety of primary data collection methodologies – in essence, one-on-one contact with customers, prospects (often times hard to reach individuals), and the general public, to obtain responses to questions and reactions to statements or other stimuli. Revenue from other “value-added” support services, such as data processing, database enhancements, integrated are also part of OpinionAmerica’s revenue model.

“OpinionAmerica has been a trusted source for data collection time and again. Their professionalism, reliability, and quality results play an integral role in PublicMind surveys, both public and private.”

– Krista Jenkins, Director, Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind Poll

“For the past twenty-four years we have enjoyed a long and
successful collaborative history with Joe Calvanelli and the
OpinionAmericaGroup. His work has continually demonstrated effective employment
of high quality interview techniques capable of reaching hard to find
population groups. Moreover, we have experienced unusually low refusal rates
due to their professional services which contribute to the fact they deliver
their products on schedule. I strongly recommend Joe and the OpinionAmericaGroup
to any organization, private or public, that is planning on conducting survey

– Al Luloff, Associate Professor, Professor of Rural Sociology and Human Dimensions of Natural Resources and the Environment, Penn State University

“Our relationship with OpinionAmerica has contributed greatly to the success of my research program here at the University of Maryland School of Public Health. From the grant development phase, through planning, and implementation, I can count on excellence and professionalism from the OpinionAmerica team. They deliver consistent, high-quality data for our national studies, and are an asset to our program. It is a true pleasure to work with the OpinionAmerica team, and we look forward to continued collaboration.”

– Cheryl L. Holt, PhD, FAAHB, Associate Professor, Department of Behavioral and Community Health, Co-Director, CEnter for Health Behavior Research, School of Public Health, University of Maryland